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159 producten

  • City States 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter City States 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter

    Conquest City States 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter

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    A Supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings.  This City States set is loaded with a complete stand of 12 Thorakites and Agema,  the Polemarch and  3 Minotaurs Haspits and an Haephestian! Each starter set will have a very well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set are quick start guides for First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, a 5th Anniversary Decal and Measuring Tool, an EA Paper Map and all necessary command cards, bases and stands.A great value for players, a substantial discount over the prices if purchased separately. How they play: The forces of the City States consist of a strong core of rigorously trained and drilled soldiers supported by an assortment of hulking Minotaurs, towering spellcasting giants and mechanically enhanced veteran warriors. Although lacking strong missile support and with only one Cavalry option, the infantry core of the City States brings a plethora of troop types, formations and Special Rules to be pound-for-pound one of the most efficient infantry forces in the game. When playing with the City States it is important to protect your vulnerable flanks and engage your Infantry line as soon as possible. Once in combat the Faction’s unique Strategic Stack will allow you to forfeit an Activation in one front to subsequently pressure and Activate twice on another. Finally, you can fine tune the defensive or offensive output of your infantry formations by adding Minotaurs within their formations!   Box Contents ●    1 Polemarch●    1 Hephaestian/Promethean●    24 Agema/Thorakites●    3 Minotaur Haspists/Thyreans●    24 Infantry Bases and the required Stands●    3 Cavalry Bases and Stands●    1 Monster Base and Stand●    9 Command Cards●    Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Quick Start Guide●    Conquest: First Blood Quick Start Guide●    City States Path of Conquest Brochure●    Assembly Instructions●    5th Anniversary Measuring Tool●    Foldable Paper Map of EA●    5th Anniversary Logo Decal Product Information ●    Assembly: Required ●    Box size: 30.5x17x19.5cm; 1520grs●    Material: Plastic, Resin●    Scale: 38mm   #city #states #conquest #supercharged #starter #set #2024

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  • City States Agema City States Agema

    Conquest City States Agema

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    Lore Agema are, without a doubt, the best fighters available to a City States commander. They are invariably the personal guard of rules, tyrants and council members alike. Armed, armored and augmented to the highest standards that a ruler can afford, the notion of failure or defeat is anathema to these elite soldiers, who are trained to fight and win on any battlefield under any circumstance. How They Play Agema are veterans and the finest warriors selected from the ranks of the Thorakites. They retain the same mobility and flexibility whilst sporting upgraded stats, at a price. Place Agema in your Strategic Stack and combine their activation with a withdrawing Hoplites/Phalangites Regiment. Where the Hoplites/Phalangites withdraw the Agema may immediately take advantage charging through gaps in the enemy lines! Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Thorakites/Agema, with the option of making their respective command models)●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands●    12 Infantry Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Restricted Infantry●    Class: Medium●    Type: Infantry #City #States #agema #conquest #medium #infantry

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  • City States Aristarch City States Aristarch

    Conquest City States Aristarch

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    Lore Much of a City States bureaucratic apparatus is selected through a rigorous civil service exam, but the Aristarch is an exception. Handpicked from the pool of Aspirant Polemachoi by the ruling power of a City State; be it a Council, a Tyrant or even a God, an Aristarchos embodies all of the virtues of a city State and is thus chosen to lead its forces on campaign. Tested and trained to a standard even higher than that of the Polemarch, his studies focus instead on strategy, philosophy, politics and economics, allowing him to serve the role of general, ambassador or governor as needs dictate to further the power and glory of his City. Box Contents ●    1 Resin Miniature ●    1 Infantry Plastic Base ●    1 Infantry Plastic Stand●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs●    Material: Resin●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Character●    Class: Medium●    Type: Character #City #States #aristarch #conquest #medium #character

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  • City States Companion Cavalry City States Companion Cavalry

    Conquest City States Companion Cavalry

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    Lore: Companion Cavalry are rather an outlier in the City States forces, mainly because they do not, in the strictest sense of the word, belong to the citizen soldiery army of most armies. The Companions are rather a voluntary force drawn from among the wealthy Oligarch and noble families of the City States. Armed and armoured in the finest weapons money can buy, these impetuous scions of nobility are trained by retired Polemarchs and Aristarchs in the private gymnasiums of the wealthy while their horsemanship is honed in the massive hippodromes that tend to dominate the skylines of each City State. Despite their eclectic training and impetuous nature these horsemen are a valuable enough tool that the City States have diverged from their orthodox army organization to incorporate them.   How they Play: The quintessential long-range precision tool for every City States commander, Companion cavalry shines when operating deep behind enemy lines. They threaten enemy light regiments and function as rapid shock cavalry—charging, withdrawing, and then charging again! Box Contents: ●    3 Premium Plastic Miniatures●    3  Cavalry Bases & Stands●    1 Command Card●    Assembly instructions. In Game Role: Class: Medium Type: Cavalry Product Information: ●    Assembly: Required●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410grs●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm.

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  • City States Dorilates (officer) City States Dorilates (officer)

    Conquest City States Dorilates (officer)

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    Lore Hoplites know that the difference between victory and defeat lies with the strength of the Phalanx and focus their efforts on the integrity of its shield wall. The canniest veterans among the Hoplites know that pure defense will see a phalanx buckle under uncontested enemy pressure, thus they turn their eyes to the Dorilates, the spear masters among their number, to set the tempo and angle of their thrusts, complimenting the sheer defensive power of the Phalanx with increased aggression. How They Play A veteran Hoplite, the Dorilates trains and coordinates the shield wall/pike formation. When the Regiment clashes with the enemy formation, the Hoplites/Phalangites unleash a rapid barrage of spear/pike thrusts forcing enemy soldiers to cower, keep their heads down and ultimately force them into exposing weaknesses in their formation. Box Contents ●    1 Resin Officer Miniature●    1 Infantry Plastic Base Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 3.7x7.4x10.4cm; 114grs●    Material: Resin●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Officer●    Type: Infantry #City #States #dorilates #conquest #infantry #officer

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  • City States Eidolon

    Conquest City States Eidolon

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    Lore: The Eidolon are everything that the Inquisitors are not. Unlike those twisted crude vessels, an Eidolon represents the pinnacle of the Scholae’s techne. With its body enhanced in every way imaginable; its flesh reinforced to handle the phlogiston bonded blood that has been decanted into it, its limbs annealed with the strongest and lightest alloys the city states can manufacture and its lungs enhanced to power the blistering furnace that is its metabolism. Even so, all of these changes pale to the masterpiece that is its mind: a blank slate, with not an ounce of will or thought of its own whose autonomic functions are perfectly preserved. The perfect host for the Scholae to download itself into and execute its will. How they Play: Forged and perfected for combat, the Eidolon can be configured so that its very body and combat directives are tailored to any combat role. Whether as a potent duelist or a formidable frontline brawler, the Eidolon serves as the perfect instrument, deployed precisely where and when it's needed. Box Contents ● 1 Resin Miniature● 1 Cavalry Base● 1 Cavalry Stand● 1 Command Card Product Information ● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 3.7x7.4x10.4cm; 114grs● Material: Resin● Scale: 38mm In Game Role Battlefield Role: Character Class: Medium Type:Brute #City #States #brute #elite #conquest #character

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  • City States Hephaestian City States Hephaestian

    Conquest City States Hephaestian

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    Lore While the Titans were convinced of the need to aid the Scholae and their Founder in their efforts, not all of them agreed how. The Prometheans chose to aid them by sharing with them the secrets of Creation, the Hephaestian chose a different path: that of Destruction. Looking upon mankind and worried of what they would make of the weapons they had been gifted, the Hephaestian’s chose instead to become the weapons bringing their overwhelming power onto the battlefield on behalf of their mortal allies. Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. 1 Plastic Monster Miniature (Hephaestian or Promethean)●    1 Plastic Monster Base and Tray●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 3030x6cm; 300grs●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 17cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Spellcasting Monster●    Class: Heavy●    Type: Monster #City #States #hephaestian #conquest #monster #heavy #spellcasting

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  • City States Hoplites City States Hoplites

    Conquest City States Hoplites

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    Lore Unlike the feudal obligations of the Hundred Kingdoms, the City States have embraced a higher ideal for their people and armed forces. The bulk of their army is composed of Hoplites, citizen soldiers mustered to protect their city and its interests. Armed and equipped from the advanced foundries of their City State and drilled relentlessly, a phalanx of Hoplites is an almost immovable obstacle on the battlefield, capable of holding their own against the best any challenger might throw at them. Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Hoplites/Phalangites, with the option of making their respective command models)●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands ●    12 Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry●    Class: Medium●    Type: Infantry #City #States #hoplites #conquest #medium #infantry

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  • City States Inquisitors

    Conquest City States Inquisitors

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    LOOMING almost twice the height of man, these lumbering monstrosities bear little resemblance to the men they once were. Now little more than empty vessels that the Scholae can unleash at will, Inquisitors are the red right hand of this shadowy consult. Now a twisted amalgam of flesh and steel, the sole purpose is to embody the wrath and will of that shadow consult on the battlefield and beyond. Piston driven limbs cleave through flesh and steel with alarming ease, their limbs powered by the traces of phlogiston that courses through their veins, even as it burns their stunted lives short.How they play:Inquisitors offer essential fast-moving, offensive, flanking capabilities to any City States Army. While formidable lines of Hoplites and Phalangites anchor the center of the battlefield, the Inquisitors unleash a barrage of attacks on the enemy's vulnerable flanks! Box Contents ● 3 Plastic Miniatures● 3 Brute Plastic Stands ● 3 Brute Bases● 1 Command Card Product Information ● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 18x18x9cm; 410gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm In Game Role ● Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment● Class: Medium● Type: Brute #City #States #inquisitors #conquest #medium #brute #regiment

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  • City States Ipparchos (Cavalry Elite Character) City States Ipparchos (Cavalry Elite Character)

    Conquest City States Ipparchos (Cavalry Elite Character)

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    Lore: The Ipparchos is a gifted commander and powerful combatant, whose nature is deemed too aggressive to entrust overall command of an army to. He is instead given tactical command of the fastest and most elite units on the battlefield where his direct leadership and natural aggression allow him to shine. This liberates the Polemarch or Aristarch to focus his efforts in the thick of combat, locking the enemy formations and creating space for his subordinate to size the initiative and deliver the killing blow.   How they Play: A distinguished officer, the Ipparchos commands the cavalry forces of the City States armies. Capable of deploying a significant contingent of Companion Cavalry to the enemy's flanks and rear, the Ipparchos brings a crucial fast-moving component to any infantry formation.   Box Contents: ●    1 Premium Resin Cavalry Miniature●    1 Cavarly Base & Stand●    1 Command Card. In Game Role: Type: Character   Product Information: ●    Assembly: Required●    Box size: 3.7x7.4x10.4cm; 114grs●    Material: Resin. #City #states #Ipparchos #character

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  • City States Lochagos (officer) City States Lochagos (officer)

    Conquest City States Lochagos (officer)

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    Lore The Lochagos is critical promotion for a veteran Hoplite who has taken a permanent position in his City State’s military. They quarter and fight on the frontline with the troops, but are present in all of the staff meetings an army on the march may have. This insight into the Officer’s thinking allows them to quickly relay orders and adapt to the flow of battle, making sure the army fights as a unified whole.How They PlayThe disciplined and drilled Hoplite and Phalangite would not be nearly as effective without the presence of these Officers on the battlefield.Lochagoi or "Diavivastes" ensure that the orders coming in from commanding officers are quickly and effectively relayed to the troops in the frontlines allowing for impeccable coordination between Regiments. In both The Last Argument of Kings and First Blood this Officer acts as the voiceof their commanding officer, relaying orders and ensuring that they are carried out! Box Contents ●    1 Resin Officer Miniature●    1 Infantry Plastic Base Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 3.7x7.4x10.4cm; 114grs●    Material: Resin●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Officer●    Type: Infantry #City #States #Lochagos #conquest #infantry #officer

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  • City States Mechanist City States Mechanist

    Conquest City States Mechanist

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    Lore Every army of the City States that marches to war, does so under the supervision of at least one Mechanist. One could be forgiven for believing he is there to ensure the smooth operation of the army and the countless machines, both big and small, that are so vital to the smooth operation of a City State’s army. What many fail to recognize is that they are there to ensure that reality itself operates along the rules and parameters laid out in their Lexicons by their Divinity. Box Contents ●    1 Resin Miniature●    1 Infantry Plastic Base●    1 Infantry Plastic Stand●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs●    Material: Resin●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Character●    Class: Medium●    Type: Infantry #City #States #mechanist #conquest #medium #character #infantry

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  • City States Minotaur Haspists City States Minotaur Haspists

    Conquest City States Minotaur Haspists

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    Lore Those minotaurs that have somehow escaped the sad fate of their Thyrean kin can look forward to a quiet life of agrarian work. Their prodigious strength and legendary stamina mean that even with the odds stacked against them, most can look forward to buying their own emancipation writ within a decade or two. As citizens, however, they are duty bound to serve in the army much like their human counterparts. Most do so as Haspists, consciously standing apart from their fallen Thyrean kin, specializing in defense and bolstering the line where the weaker humans might falter. Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 3 Plastic Miniatures (Minotaur Thyreans/Haspists)●    3 Brute Plastic Stands ●    3 Brute Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 18x18x9cm; 410gr●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment●    Class: Medium●    Type: Brute #City #States #minotaur #haspists #conquest #medium #character

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  • City States Minotaur Thyreans City States Minotaur Thyreans

    Conquest City States Minotaur Thyreans

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    Lore When the Bred were originally conceived and gifted to the Dominion, Minotaurs were intended to be docile, tractable agrarian workers. It did not take long for man to look upon this mountain of muscle and decide to put it to a different use. Purposefully bred and conditioned for aggression, Minotaur Thyreans and their double handed weapons are an unstoppable presence of the battlefield, delivering unstoppable charges and wielding massive weapons that make a mockery of enemy defenses and formations. Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 3 Plastic Miniatures (Minotaur Thyreans/Haspists)●    3 Brute Plastic Stands ●    3 Brute Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 18x18x9cm; 410gr●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment●    Class: Heavy●    Type: Brute #City #States #minotaur #thyreans #conquest #heavy #character

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  • City States Phalangites City States Phalangites

    Conquest City States Phalangites

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    Lore While Hoplites are the citizen soldiery of a given City State, the Phalangites are its professional army. Hardboiled and scarred veterans of countless campaigns, Phalangites take everything that makes a phalanx deadly, and kick it up a notch. Eschewing the use of the hoplon (shield) their daily drills allow them to employ their pikes, the dreaded sarissa, while holding formation. This turns them into both a hammer and an anvil, allowing them to retain their defensive nature while crushing the opposition behind an impenetrable hedge. Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Hoplites/Phalangites, with the option of making their respective command models)●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands ●    12 Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry●    Class: Medium●    Type: Infantry #City #States #phalangites #conquest #medium #infantry

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  • City States Polemarch City States Polemarch

    Conquest City States Polemarch

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    Lore Raised almost exclusively within the walls of the Scholae, aspirant Polemarchs are selected from the teeming multitudes of the City State through the rigorous yearly exams that feed the City State’s administration. Chosen for their leadership skills and physical proficiency, their exhaustive, ten-year curriculum is rounded out with at least a decade’s worth of actual combat experience before they can claim the title. Leading from the front lines and inspiring their troops, Polemarchoi have become iconic figures epitomizing the martial strength of the City States. This has led ignorant northern scholars to translate the title of Polemarchos as ‘Warlord’. This is wrong, the correct title is ‘Lord of War’. Box Contents ●    1 Resin Miniature ●    1 Infantry Plastic Base ●    1 Infantry Plastic Stand●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs●    Material: Resin●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Character●    Class: Medium●    Type: Character #City #States #polemarch #conquest #medium #character

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  • City States Promethean City States Promethean

    Conquest City States Promethean

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    Lore When one gazes upon the wonders of a City State; its cyclopean walls, its towering cranes and smokeless foundries, one cannot help but suspect that these wonders cannot have been built by mortal hands alone. And they would not be far wrong. Deep within the bowels of each Acropolis reside the Prometheans, ancient Titanic allies of the Scholae and their founder, whose deep primordial knowledge is responsible for many of the wonders that allow the city states to stand. Rare and fell is the need that rouses one of these ancients to war, for their every blow cracks the enemies will even as it empowers it’s allies. Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. 1 Plastic Monster Miniature (Hephaestian or Promethean)●    1 Plastic Monster Base and Tray●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 3030x6cm; 300grs●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 17cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Spellcasting Monster●    Class: Medium●    Type: Monster #City #States #promethean #conquest #monster #medium #spellcasting

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  • City States Satyroi

    Conquest City States Satyroi

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    Nowhere in the society of the City States is their ambivalent relationship with the Bred more evident than with the Selinoi and Satyroi. A nigh seamless blend of man and goat, these Bred ultimately proved to be the hardiest and most adaptable of the Bred who survived. Intelligent, fast and tough, they quickly excelled at their tasks, putting them at odds with humans and painting a mark on their back when the purges started during the Fall. Today, those who survive have done so by learning to coexist with humanity or avoiding it as much as possible. Unlike the more peaceful Selinoi, Satyroi have turned to anger, hate and violence. Kidnappers, extortionists, consummate thugs and dangerous gangers the most dangerous of Satyroi are often press ganged into the army where their combat skills and unbridled ferocity make them skirmishers without peer. How they play:Deadly in close-quarters combat, these combat-hardened guerrilla troops lie in ambush, waiting for the perfect moment to strike the flanks and rear of any Enemy Regiment audacious enough to try outflanking the main City States' phalanx lines. Box Contents ● Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Satyroi/Selinoi, with the option of making their respective command models)● 3 Infantry Plastic Stands ● 12 Bases● 2 Command Cards Product Information ● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm In Game Role ● Battlefield Role: Restricted Infantry● Class: Medium● Type: Infantry #City #States #satyroi #conquest #medium #infantry

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  • City States Selinoi

    Conquest City States Selinoi

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    Nowhere in the society of the City States is their ambivalent relationship with the Bred more evident than with the Selinoi. A nigh seamless blend of man and goat, the Selinoi ultimately proved to be the hardiest and most adaptable of the Bred who survived. Intelligent, fast and tough, they quickly excelled at their tasks, putting them at odds with humans and painting a mark on their back when the purgest started during the Fall. Today, those Selinoi who survive have done so by learning to coexist with humanity or avoiding it as much as possible. Selinoi Hunters shun the crowded streets of the City States, choosing instead to roam the deep forests and wildlands that the invariably form around the City States. Their woodcraft and hunting skills making them invaluable scouts for the City States and their presence is tolerated and sometimes even encouraged if only to secure these capable scouts in a cities force. How they play: Experienced trackers and hunters, the Selinoi pressure enemy ranged regiments not only with their dependable ranged output but also because of their natural resistance to enemy ranged fire. Box Contents ● Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Satyroi/Selinoi, with the option of making their respective command models)● 3 Infantry Plastic Stands ● 12 Bases● 2 Command Cards Product Information ● Assembly: Required.● Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr● Material: Plastic● Scale: 38mm In Game Role ● Battlefield Role: Restricted Infantry● Class: Light● Type: Infantry #City #States #selinoi #conquest #medium #infantry

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  • City States Thorakites City States Thorakites

    Conquest City States Thorakites

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    Lore While unmatched in formation combat on an open field, Phalangites and Hoplites do not fare well in constrained spaces and rough terrain. Thorakites are the answer to these problems. Trained to a higher physical standard, but without the rigid formation and drill of the phalanx, Thorakites allow an enterprising commander to exploit gaps and developments on the battlefield that the traditional phalanx would be too cumbersome to address. How They Play Where Hoplites form a stalwart shield wall the Thorakites protect the Phalanx’s flanks and exploit gaps left in the enemy lines. Place Thorakites in your Strategic Stack and combine their activation with a withdrawing Hoplites/Phalangites Regiment. Where the Hoplites/Phalangites withdraw the Thorakites may immediately take advantage charging through gaps in the enemy lines! Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Thorakites/Agema, with the option of making their respective command models)●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands●    12 Infantry Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry●    Class: Light●    Type: Infantry #City #States #thorakites #conquest #light #infantry

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  • Conquest cavalry bases (3 pair)

    Conquest Conquest cavalry bases (3 pair)

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    Package Contents 3 Cavalry Bases. Dimensions: 54mm per base. 3 Cavalry Stands. Dimensions:  66mm x 66mm per Stand. You can use these bases for your proxy as well. #conquest #package #contents #cavalry

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  • Conquest infantry bases (3 pair)

    Conquest Conquest infantry bases (3 pair)

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    Package Contents 12 Infantry Bases. Dimensions: 27mm per base. 3 Infantry Stands. Domensions: 66mm x 66mm per stand. You can use these bases for your proxy as well. #conquest #package #contents #infantry

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  • Conquest Monster base (1 pair

    Conquest Conquest Monster base (1 pair

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    Package Contents 1 Monster Base. Dimension: 100mm. 1 Monster Stand. Dimension: 110mm x 110mm. You can use these bases for your proxy as well. #conquest #package #contents #monster

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  • Conquest tokens (36pc) Conquest tokens (36pc)

    Conquest Conquest tokens (36pc)

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    36 total tokens for use in First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings gameplay. This set includes 7 different designs: 10 Wound Markers, 8 Conquest Markers. 5 Draw Event Markers, 5 Casualty Markers, 5 Broken Markers, 2 Reinforcement Line Markers, and 1 Supremacy Marker. These come in a box for transport. #conquest #tokens #first #blood #markers #box

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  • Conquest Two Player Starter Set: City States vs Nords Conquest Two Player Starter Set: City States vs Nords

    Conquest Conquest Two Player Starter Set: City States vs Nords

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    Details Grab a friend and dive into the world of Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings and Conquest: First Blood with our new 2 player Starter Set! With proposed scenarios designed to ease you into the system of Conquest, the box contains a starter warband and a commander unit for each faction - City States, our 7th and newest faction vs the Nords! The City States are our faction of Ancient Greek human warriors. These figures will take you back in time, with the highly detailed sculpting that ancient Greece is famous for. The Nords are a fantastical group of Slavic style of miniatures, including a giant - the Mountain Jotnar! The set is ready for two players to clash on the field. play a rank and flank style of game with the Last Argument of Kings rule set, 2 copies of the new 2.0 edition rules are included. You are also welcome to use your same miniatures to play our Skirmish style of game with First Blood. Whether you rally the might of the Nords or command the City States, the objective is one and the same: Conquest. Box Contents: 1 Limited Edition Polemarch: 1 Resin Miniature, 1 Infantry Base and Stand and 1 Command Card 24 Hoplites/Phalangites: 24 Plastic Miniatures, 6 Infantry Plastic Stands, 24 Bases and 4 Command Cards 3 Minotaur Thyreans/Haspists: 3 Plastic Miniatures, 3 Brute Plastic Stands, 3 Bases and 2 Command Cards 1 Limited Edition Konungyr: 1 Resin Miniature, 1 Infantry Base and stand and 1 Command Card 12 Bow Chosen: 12 Plastic Miniatures, 3 Infantry Plastic Stands, 12 Bases and 1 Command Card 12 Huskarls: 12 Plastic Miniatures, 3 Infantry Plastic Stands, 12 Bases and 1 Command Card 1 Mountain Jotnar: 1 Plastic Monster Miniature, 1 Monster Base and Stand, 1 Command Card 2 soft-cover The Last Argument of Kings Version 2 Rulebooks Quick Start Scenarios 1 Path of Conquest Guide Assembly Instructions Product Information Assembly: Required.  Box size: 50x35x35cm; 2kg Material: Plastic and Resin #conquest #starterset #city #states #nords

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  • Dweghom 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter Dweghom 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter

    Conquest Dweghom 5th Anniversary Supercharged Starter

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    A Supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings.  This Dweghom set is loaded with a complete stand of the Fireforged, 2 Stands of Initiates Ironclad Drake and it's Hold Raegh Rider.  Each starter set will have a well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set are quick start guides for First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, a 5th Anniversary Decal and Measuring Tool, an EA Paper Map and all necessary command cards, bases and stands.  How they play: Dweghom armies are slow, tough, and implacable as one might expect of their ancestry. However what truly makes them unique is their magic. With access to fantastic combat magic and defensive spells Dweghom are capable of being an elemental hurricane on the battlefield throwing out walls of fire, slowing enemies down by turning the very earth they stand upon against them. Combined with very powerful, elite infantry and strong specialized non-infantry choices to round out the army, Dweghom players tend to decide where they want to go on the table and relentlessly carve a path there no matter the odds. Box Contents ●    1 Raegh Drake Rider●    1 Ironclad Drake●    24 Initiates/Wardens●    12 Fireforged ●    36 Infantry Bases and the required Stands●    1 Monster Base and Stand●    7 Command Cards●    Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Quick Start Guide●    Conquest: First Blood Quick Start Guide●    Dweghom Path of Conquest Brochure●    Assembly Instructions●    5th Anniversary Measuring Tool●    Foldable paper Map of EA●    5th Anniversary Logo Decal Product Information ●    Assembly: Required●    Box size: 30.5x17x19.5cm; 1520grs●    Material: Plastic, Resin●    Scale: 38mm #dweghom #conquest #supercharged #starter #set #2024

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  • Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh

    Conquest Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh

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    Lore As a faction based on the exaltation of freedom, the Ardent struggle mightily with the questions of leadership and organization, particularly as the roles and influence of the Mnemancers is rather limited within their creed. The Ardent are organized around authoritative individual figures, who have been elected by their peers and subordinates to lead. These are almost universally powerful and popular warriors, whose exploits command the respect of their peers. While few hard-and-fast rules exist on the requirements and procedures of leadership amongst the Ardent, one thing is clear: to lead amongst the Ardent, one must not merely have undergone the Dheukorro, the Descent, but must fully embrace it as a way of life. Exemplars of the Ardent creed, the Kerawegh have gone farther and deeper than any living Dweghom in the Dheukorro: they have reached the very gates of War’s Primordial prison. Refusing the dark call of that promethean threshold, the Kerawegh find in their devotion to kin and creed the strength to turn back to the surface. Acclaimed by their fellow Ardent, the respect they command among their fellows naturally pushes them into positions of leadership in their anarchic creed. Mighty warriors in their own right, the Kerawegh are a terror on the field not for their skill at arms, but rather for their ability to channel the faith and fervor of their brethren into harsh battlefield miracles. These savage miracles they are capable of invoking are not taught as there is nothing that resembles a church or structured faith amongst the Kerawegh. They are gifts earned at the very end of their Descent, on the very threshold of Wars primordial prison. Those few amongst the Kerawegh who care to speak of their new-found powers almost invariably describe how the clamor of war that all Dweghom hear throughout the Descent rises to a crescendo the closer one gets to War’s prison. Standing before the Gates, they are assailed with the din of a hundred concurrent battles despite being miles underground. The wisest amongst them suspect that these are the sounds of every battle and combat being fought on the surface, somehow echoing in the threshold of War’s demesne. But what all of them will agree upon is that some portion of their own soul or psyche is moved to respond to these brutal rhythms. Upon their return, they find themselves so intricately attuned to the din and clamor of battle that they are somehow capable to project that dreadful power onto those around them. Their already impressive martial prowess is heightened by the song of war, making them an unstoppable force whether in offence or defense.  Allies who heed their call are exhilarated by cadence of battle, each blow and cry granting them a reprieve or an opening they can exploit, while a Kerawegh’s foes hear only the screeching cries of breaking arms and the screams of the fallen, a discordant sound that saps their will to fight. Box Contents ●    1 Resin Miniature ●    1 Base ●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 4.1cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Character●    Class: Medium●    Type: Infantry #conquest #Ardent #Kerawegh #dweghom

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  • Dweghom Dragonslayers (dual kit) Dweghom Dragonslayers (dual kit)

    Conquest Dweghom Dragonslayers (dual kit)

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    Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Hold Thanes/Dragonslayers, with the option of making their respective command models)●    3 Plastic Infantry Stands●    12 Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410g●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 4.4cm   In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Heavy Infantry, Anti-Armor●    Class: Heavy●    Type: Infantry   Lore: Clad in armor forged in a bygone age when dragon fire was the greatest threat to a warrior, every vulnerable part of a Dragonslayer is covered in alloys not seen since the breaking of the world. The weapons they bear were those used by their Ancestors to pierce the nigh invulnerable hides of the Elder Dragons. Forged from adamantine and now quenched in dragon blood, no mortal armor could hope to withstand a blow. Dragonslayers are entrusted with the greatest heirlooms of their Hold, weapons that are part of the living memory of their people’s greatest trial and triumph. Only the greatest of Thanes could hope to aspire to the rank of Dragonslayer, and no single Dweghom, not even the eldest Mnemancers, has the standing to recommend the elevation of a Thane to their ranks: they must rather be chosen by the unanimous acclaim of their peers; their valor and prowess so indisputable that even the greatest of the Dweghom warriors would not contest their ascendance to this elite force. #conquest #dragonslayers #Hold Thanes #dweghom #dual #kit

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  • Dweghom Fireforged Dweghom Fireforged

    Conquest Dweghom Fireforged

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    Lore The Fireforged are a military force composed of those Dweghom who possesses a strong affinity for fire, but not enough power of discipline to become a Sorcerer.  Ostensibly guards to the Forge Temples of the Tempered, along with the Stoneforged and Steelforged, their gifted nature and implanted shunts give the Forged units a unique advantage on the field of battle: the use of enhanced exoskeletons and weaponry. Unlike their Stoneforged brethren, the exoskeleton of the Fireforged is focused simply on the delivery and containment of their main armament: the Blast Cannon. Based on a scaled down design of the Hellbringer Cannons used to hunt the greatest of dragons, the Blast Cannons draw and shape the uncontrolled gift of their Dweghom users to generate powerful directional blasts of superheated flame capable of puncturing even the heaviest of plate at a hundred paces. Their powered exoskeletons enhance their strength, allowing the Fireforged to remain mobile on the field of battle despite the weight of the Blast Cannon to deliver their powerful blasts where most needed. More than capable in close combat, the Fireforged can then follow up a devastating salvo with a savage charge, or easily fend off light units and skirmishers, allowing their heavy weaponry to be employed at bringing down the most heavily armored of foes. Box Contents ●    Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (includes a command model) ●    3 Plastic Infantry Stands ●    12 Bases ●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410g●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 4.1cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Medium Infantry, Ranged, Anti-Armor●    Class: Medium●    Type: Infantry #conquest #fireforged #dweghom

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  • Dweghom Flame Berserkers Dweghom Flame Berserkers

    Conquest Dweghom Flame Berserkers

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    Box Contents ●    12 Plastic Miniatures (with the option of making 2 Command models),●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands●    12 Bases●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410gr●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 4.5cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Anti- Infantry●    Class: Light●    Type: Infantry Lore: Among the Ardent, Flame Berserkers are a small brotherhood who, gifted beyond their peers with the raw power of the Element of Fire, do not seek to master or tame it, but rather embody it. For most, this transition happens during the Dheukorro, the Descent, the trail of passage all Ardent must complete to prove their devotion. None speak of what happens in the deep, but when they return they are changed: their bodies sport crude implants that compensate for those losses they have suffered to foe or flame, while their obsidian arms and what little armor they bear are impervious to the flame and heat they generate. In their mind, the trade is a favorable one: life for glory, time for worth. It is this, above all the other overwhelming advantages, that make Flame Berserkers such a terrifying foe to face.   Only when one faces them on the field of battle can one truly grasp that behind the swirling flames and red-hot flurry of axes, lies a being that has consciously chosen self-immolation over survival; destruction over preservation; the death of their foes at the price of their own.

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  • Conquest Dweghom Hellbringer Drake Conquest Dweghom Hellbringer Drake

    Conquest Dweghom Hellbringer Drake

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    Following the defeat of the Dragons, it has long been a common practice among the Dweghom Holds to capture and break the lesser draco-forms to service. These drakes haul the Hellbringer Cannons, weapons designed to hunt and kill dragons and level cities - as well as anything else unlucky enough to find itself in its line of fire. Plastic components. Contents: 4 Miniatures   ‣ 1 Hellbringer Drake with alternative head   ‣ 3 Riders 1 Round Base (100mm) 1 Base Tray 1 Command Card Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly is required. Assembly: Required.  Box size: 3030x6cm; 410grs Material: Plastic Let op dit is medium size in 38mm (hoogte 15cm, lengte ruim 25cm en breed 15cm) dus een stevig formaat! #conquest #hellbringer #drake #dweghom #lizard

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  • Conquest Dweghom Hellbringer Sorcerer Conquest Dweghom Hellbringer Sorcerer

    Conquest Dweghom Hellbringer Sorcerer

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    Box Contents ●    1 Resin Character Miniature●    1 Infantry Plastic Base Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs●    Material: Resin●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Character●    Class: Medium●    Type: Monster Lore When the Dweghom turned on their creators it was their affinity for sorcery and metallurgy that allowed them to create weaponry capable of threatening even creatures as mighty as the Dragons. Hellbringer Socerers are the custodians of this ancient craft and even to this day ride the debased descendants of their ancestral enemies, ready to rain down hell on their unsuspecting opponents. !! deze sorcerer past dus juist op de Hellbringer Drake !! #conquest #hellbringer #sorcerer #wizard #lizard

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  • Conquest Dweghom Herald Of Stone Conquest Dweghom Herald Of Stone

    Conquest Dweghom Herald Of Stone

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    Lore There are a few gifted Dweghom who reach a state of balance with their Element without formal Sorcerous training. Exalted amongst the Ardent, the Heralds of Stone are paragons whose mere presence in a Dweghom formation is enough to enhance their defense against all attacks from the foe. Box Contents ●    1 Resin Command Upgrade Miniature●    1 Infantry Plastic Base Product Information ●    Assembly: Required. ●    Box size: 3.7x7.4x10.4cm; 114grs●    Material: Resin●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 4cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade●    Type: Infantry #conquest #Herald of stone #dweghom

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  • Dweghom Hold Ballistae / Hold Warriors Dweghom Hold Ballistae / Hold Warriors

    Conquest Dweghom Hold Ballistae / Hold Warriors

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    Box Contents ●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Hold Warriors/Hold Ballistae, with the option of making their respective command models)●    3 Plastic Infantry Stands●    12 Bases●    2 Command Cards Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410g●    Material: Plastic, Miniature Height: 4cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Light Infantry, Ranged, Anti-Armor●    Class: Light●    Type: Infantry   Lore: It is a testament to the harshness and potential dangers of military advancement, the fact that the bulk of Dweghom warriors have stepped off the advancement track and committed themselves to a lifetime of military service. The sword and shield remain the traditional equipment of these warriors. On the other hand, battle with a flying opponent quickly cured the Dweghom of preconceptions against ranged combat. The ballistae were the first ranged weapon developed to combat dragons and remain a powerful instrument of death against lesser foes, their ease of production and repair making them a staple of the Hold armories. Be they shield-bearing warriors or ballistae specialists, when one encounters unranked Hold Warriors, he will mostly be facing hardened veterans who have devoted their life to military service. The small percentage who are not lifelong servicemen, however, trade battlefield experience for ambition and ruthlessness, making them just as dangerous on the field of battle.

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  • Conquest Dweghom Hold Raegh Conquest Dweghom Hold Raegh

    Conquest Dweghom Hold Raegh

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    Lore To behold a Hold Raegh on the field of war is to witness a Paragon of his craft at the very pinnacle of his prowess. To rise to the position of Raegh, a Dweghom must reach a value of Aghm determined by the Mnemancers of each hold (considering the population, productivity, history and achievements of the Hold in question) while surpassing all others. In a society as militarized as the Dweghom, there is only one path that can lead to such heights: the craft of war. In the early stages of his prospective career, an aspiring candidate earns his Aghm directly: feats of arms and valor at the trials, and later the field of battle. Box Contents ●    1 Plastic Miniature ●    1 Base ●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Normal.●    Box size: 7.4x10.4x3.7cm; 50grs●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Character●    Class: Heavy●    Type: Character, Infantry #conquest #hold #raegh dweghom #

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  • Dweghom Inferno Automata Dweghom Inferno Automata

    Conquest Dweghom Inferno Automata

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    Lore The steel and stone bodies of an Inferno Automaton encase a raging furnace that burns the smoldering remains of a beast of Destruction. Weakened by defeat, this demonic spirit is bound to the towering metal frame, infusing the Automaton with the cruel intellect and unfettered aggression of this tortured spirit. Steel and stone warp and buckle under the baleful influence of this infernal passenger, granting the Inferno Automata their demonic visages and cruel claws. Powered by its furnace and driven by the cruel intellect that permeates it, the Inferno Automata is a terror on the battlefield whose piston driven limbs can propel their incandescent bodies across the battlefield with blistering speed. Once in combat the demonic nature of the spirit that inhabits it becomes readily apparent as they rend those opponent who survive the blistering heat and toxic fumes of its furnace limb from limb, growling and hissing with pleasure throughout the entire grisly affair. Box Contents ●    3 Plastic Miniatures ●    3 Cavalry Stands●    3 Bases ●    1 Command Card Product Information ●    Assembly: Required.●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410g●    Material: Plastic●    Scale: 38mm, Miniature Height: 8.8cm In Game Role ●    Battlefield Role: Light Brute, Fast, Anti- Light Infantry●    Class: Light●    Type: Brute #conquest #inferno #automata #dweghom

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