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Fallout Wasteland Warfare

26 producten

  • Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Nukalurks Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Nukalurks

    Fallout Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Nukalurks

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    This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘At the very least, they’re easier to see coming now...’ Mercifully unique to the advertisement plastered ruins of The World of Refreshment, Nukalurks are a bizarre mutation to the ‘standard’ Mirelurk, suffused with the delicious hue of Nuka-Cola Quantum and a healthy blue glow. Somehow, Nukalurks are more violently territorial than their original-flavour cousins, and more than one Nuka-enthusiast has been dragged below the surface of the Nuka-World river by these crustacean terrors. Contents: 2x Nukalurks This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains two 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature with two 40mm scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. This model can be used with either the rules from the Nuka World Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads. 

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  • Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Nukalurk King Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Nukalurk King

    Fallout Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Nukalurk King

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    This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘A hail of gunfire for the king, baby.’ Of the Nukalurk Royal Family, the King is the least imposing, but far from the least dangerous. Far more agile than his blushing bride, the King possesses a bestial intelligence and a domineering will that allows him to keep his queen’s progeny in check. Though they tend to let the more common Nukalurks deal with the messy work of catching and eviscerating their prey, the Kings are more than capable of supporting them from range with a sonic scream that can turn your brain to jelly and melt out of your ears. Makes you feel for misbehaving Nukalurk hatchlings, my dad couldn’t scream like that and my ears still hurt. Contents: 1x Nukalurk King This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains one 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature with one 50mm scenic base. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. This model can be used with either the rules from the Nuka World Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads.

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  • Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Gatorclaw Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Gatorclaw

    Fallout Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Creatures - Gatorclaw

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    This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘Because clearly a Deathclaw wasn’t bad enough!’ When Old Dr McDermont had a cloning machine, he made a big mistake. By combining all the best aspects of the Jackson chameleon and the American alligator, he created one of the worst creatures to ever tear a Raider in half. Thankfully, he didn’t live long enough to see his voraciously hungry children break out of their home and out into the big wide world, sadly, because they ate him. Circle of life, I suppose. Contents: 1x Gatorclaw 1x Scenic Base This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains one 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature with one 60mm scenic base. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. This model can be used with either the rules from the Nuka World Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads. 

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  • Fallout Wasteland Robots Eyebots Fallout Wasteland Robots Eyebots

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Robots Eyebots

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    This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘Don’t like Eyebots, always get the feeling that someone’s watching me.’ Eyebots. Are. Everywhere. A fact no less true in Nuka-World. Bobbing through the air blasting adverts and lasers in equal measure as they go. As prevalent across Nuka-World as everywhere else in the Wasteland, even more so in the Galactic Zone, Eyebots are the irritating, difficult to hit gift that keeps on giving. Contents: 4x Eyebots 4x Scenic Bases This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains four 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature and four 30mm scenic bases.  Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. Contents may vary from those shown. This model can be used with either the rules from the Nuka World Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads.

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  • Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Pack Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Pack

    Fallout Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Pack

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    'The Pack are a lot like eating centuries old candy, bright, exciting and probably going to kill you.' Brightly coloured, bedecked in whatever interesting knick-knacks they can tape to themselves and wholly ruled by their moment to moment instincts, The Pack are less of a gang and more of… well, a pack. Following their Alpha to the end, members of The Pack tend to be spurred on to random acts of violence throughout the day, not too worried about the reason why, just if it’ll be fun or not. Every choice they make tends to follow that logic, fun over all other things, sadly for everyone else, they think fighting is really, really fun. Contents: 10x The Pack Miniatures 10x Bases Please Note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Miniatures can be used for both Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and Fallout: Factions games.

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  • Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Disciples Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Disciples

    Fallout Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Disciples

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    'Don't get caught? Does that matter if everyone knows you’re just waiting for an excuse to kill them? Fizztop Mountain may have once been a nice place to visit, once. Now it keeps its namesake alive by being packed to the brim with mountains of corpses. A lot like The Pack, most Disciples would describe their perfect Sunday as one full of blood and murder, though they tend to try and at least pretend they’re not thinking about flaying the skin off everyone they meet most of the time. Fans of quick and efficient kills, the Disciples are thrill killers extraordinaire, always eager to move on to their next ‘project’. Contents: 10x Disciples Miniatures 10x Bases Please Note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Miniatures can be used for both Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and Fallout: Factions games.

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  • Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Operators Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Operators

    Fallout Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders: The Operators

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    'They say money makes the world go round, with the way Operators make money, it’s going to be an empty world.' Without wanting to give them any props, the Operators are a well organised group, more like a crime syndicate than a raider gang. They follow orders, take on jobs, make their own gear and most of all, remain professional. Well armed and armored, Operators don’t kill for fun (unlike the other gangs of Nuka-World), they kill for profit, or out of annoyance, which is occasionally fun. I guess they also kill for fun. Contents: 10x Operator Miniatures 10x Bases Please Note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Miniatures can be used for both Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and Fallout: Factions games.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Forged in the Fire Rules Expansion Fallout Wasteland Warfare Forged in the Fire Rules Expansion

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Forged in the Fire Rules Expansion

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    Will you suffer, or will you be Forged in the Fire? Forged in the Fire is an expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare that builds on the content explored in the previous Commonwealth Expansion. Featuring rules for new Creatures as well as sub-factions for both Raiders and Survivors. Never to be left out, the Super-Mutants also get to unleash one of their most disturbing allies. The various winged horrors of the Commonwealth arrive, Bloatflies, Bloodbugs and Stingwings, vicious insectoid predators more than capable of harrying even the most seasoned survivor. Whilst the more peaceful Radstags roam the open plains, avoiding danger where possible and defending themselves when provoked. Along the edge of the Saugus River, the Ghouls of The Slog bring a new set of tools to the Suvivor faction. Resilient to a degree most Survivors can only dream of and able to withstand Radiation, they make a welcome addition to any budding settlement. Whilst further south, the violent Forged bring a host of fire-based weapons to bear against those too weak to stop them. Raiders with a focus on setting fire to their foes, they offer a huge degree of specialisation that can rapidly set any opposing force ablaze! Finally, the Super Mutants release one of the most bizarre and hideous creatures the Wasteland has ever seen, the Centaur. Astoundingly resilient and disturbingly quiet, these beasts bring a new kind of horror to the Super Mutant Faction. This expansion contains 259 punch-out cards, painting guides and region rules. You’ll also find tactical advice for the new sub-factions introduced in this expansion, and a set of brand-new scenarios to see what they can do on the battlefield. Contents: A booklet containing rules for expanding your options on the battlefield. 259 new cards: 19 Unit and 20 AI cards 26 Weapon cards 3 Item cards 11 Perk cards 48 Explore cards 21 Event cards 36 Danger cards 13 Stranger cards 14 Creature cards 43 Quest cards 4 Leader cards 1 Reference card 5 new scenarios Faction rules and strategy guides for the 2 new Sub-Factions - The Slog and The Forged. Unit rules for Ghouls. Access to the rules, dice, and material found in the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two-Player Starter Set is necessary to make full use of this expansion.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Commonwealth Rules Expansion Fallout Wasteland Warfare Commonwealth Rules Expansion

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Commonwealth Rules Expansion

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    “War Never Changes.” Welcome to the Commonwealth, the largest expansion yet for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! It’s packed with new rules, cards, guides, and scenarios to bring more factions and units to your tabletop. Look out for the Commonwealth wave miniatures sets, available separately! The Commonwealth spans the rolling hills and scorched forests of the north to the broken coast and its rusting industry in the east. It sweeps through the decaying urban sprawl of Boston and out into the irradiated wasteland of the glowing sea. The Commonwealth is home to a wide variety of groups, new factions, and additions to existing factions, including: The Gunners are the most organised mercenary group in the Commonwealth, and they’ve garnered a reputation as bloodthirsty, unscrupulous fighters. They claim to be soldiers for hire, but much of the Commonwealth views them as little better than raiders, a militarized gang of thugs with delusions of grandeur. The secretive Railroad fight to protect synths and attempt to spirit them away from the Institute, who the Railroad view as nothing more than slavers. Synths, to the Railroad, are the equal of humans and deserve to live freely. RobCo is responsible for many of the Robots encountered throughout the Wasteland. From ruggedly built and hard-working Protectrons to the various military and medical support models of Mr Handy, you are never far from the chirpy robotic voices of these indispensable metallic helpers. The Wasteland itself is home to all manner of irradiated Creatures. All the fauna, from domesticated livestock to roaming packs of fierce predators bring risk to any unwary traveller. Access to the rules, dice, and material found in the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two-Player Starter Set is necessary to make full use of this expansion. This expansion contains new rules for clashes within the Commonwealth, 171 punch-out cards, and an array of new scenarios both linked and standalone featuring the denizens of this varied area. Also included are strategy guides and painting guides to help you get your models ready for battle in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout. Contents: A 65-page booklet with rules for expanding your wasteland denizens, including the Children of the Atom, the Gunners, the Railroad, new Creatures, and the Super Mutant’s terrifying Behemoth, Swan. 171 new cards: 35 unit and 33 AI cards, 1 equipment card, 16 leader cards, 5 mod cards, 17 perk cards, 3 power armor cards, 14 quest cards, 5 reference cards, 42 weapon cards Painting guides for Survivors, the Brotherhood of Steel, and Super Mutants. A gallery of painted models featuring every release in the Commonwealth wave. Scenarios for playing in the Commonwealth. Rules for Wasteland Warfare terrain. Unique region rules for locations within the Commonwealth. Strategy guides for playing numerous Wasteland Warfare factions. Please note, this product is print only - there is no corresponding PDF version of this item.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Nuka World Rules Fallout Wasteland Warfare Nuka World Rules

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Nuka World Rules

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    Bombs, Bullets, Blood and Butchery are the main attractions of this Theme Park, where Nuka-Cola flows as freely as shell casings down the streets of Nuka-Town, USA. Three gangs of rival raiders each call Nuka-World home, and the peace between them is tenuous to say the absolute least, as certain people would say “Just don’t get caught”. Disciples, Operators, and The Pack, each lay claim to a part of the park, and each want what the others have, so whatever fractured peace may currently exist, will only last for so long - before another bout of Wasteland Warfare breaks out. Welcome to Nuka World, the latest Regional Ruleset for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and the most raider’riffic book to ever hit the shelves. From the glittering lights and plastic facades of Nuka World we bring a host of new Units, Weapons, Scenarios, Rules and more to make your Wasteland experience more exciting than ever before. Pledge allegiance to one of the three gangs of Nuka World and engage in a multi-stage war for the park in an all new campaign system and remember that anything you’re strong enough to take, is yours by right! All the key figureheads of the Disciples, Operators and The Pack are on show here, backed by their deadly entourages in brand new miniatures, alongside some of the more flamboyant personalities that you can spot around the park. Updated rules for Wasteland Warfare as a whole are introduced with Nuka World, streamlining your experience like never before. Combined with new Vault Tec approved Profiles and Force Lists (presented in the most accessible format ever!), Nuka World is your one stop shop for Cola-themed bloodbaths! As always, the beautifully painted miniatures gallery is accompanied by painting guides, scenarios, and a brand new book style, keeping every turn of the page new and interesting. There’s never been a Wasteland Warfare book quite like this one, the same Warfare you love, but with a brand new flavour! This expansion includes: A booklet containing rules for expanding your options on the battlefield. Brand New Cards: 53 Units, 53 AI Cards, 8 Perks, 26 Weapons, 8 Mods, 37 Items, 6 References, 5 Strangers, 6 Dangers, 12 Creatures, and 12 Event Cards! 5 New Region Rules Sheets, Spanning 10 Regions all across the Park. 5 New Scenarios. A new Campaign System for claiming control over Nuka World. New Sub-Faction Rules for The Pack, Disciples, Operators, and Nukalurks. Core Rules Revisions to simplify your Wasteland Warfare Games. 50 Vault Tec Approved Profiles with all the information you need to field the model! Painting guides for the new miniatures. Access to the rules, dice, and material found in the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two-Player Starter Set is necessary to make full use of this expansion.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders - Overlords Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders - Overlords

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders - Overlords

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    This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘I’ve noticed the Overboss position has a revolving door policy, just the door leads into a minefield.’ Somehow, there is a leadership structure in place in the madhouse that is Nukaworld. All the gangs answer to the Overboss at this particular moment in time, Colter holds that lofty position. His ‘always’ trustworthy right hand man Porter Gage does his best to keep knives out of his bosses (and his) back, and both turn to the font of Wasteland information that is Shank whenever they need to know what’s happening in the big wide world. Contents: 1x Colter 1x Porter Gage 1x Shank This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains three 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature with three 30mm scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. This model can be used with either the rules from the Nuka World Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors - Park Personalities Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors - Park Personalities

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors - Park Personalities

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    This miniatures set is part of the NUKA WORLD wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! ‘Between the teleporting Ghoul, Gorilla Man, and Nuka obsessed madwoman, I’m slightly worried that the Gorilla man is the most sane.’ Nuka-World always promised to bring people together, and even in the post apocalypse it’s achieving that goal, some of those people aren’t even blood crazed raiders! Sierra Petrovita for example, is just a big fan of Nuka Cola, a reallllly big fan. Oswald is an old employee that just loves his work family so much he refuses to leave and Cito can’t even imagine a world outside of the park. Nuka-World’s an odd place, they help to keep it that way. Contents: 1x Cito 1x Oswald the Outrageous 1x Sierra Petrovita This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains three 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature with three 30mm scenic bases.  Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. This model can be used with either the rules from the Nuka World Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood of Steel Combat Patrol Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood of Steel Combat Patrol

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood of Steel Combat Patrol

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    This set is part of the CAPITAL wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare! Although iconic, the power armored Knight or Paladin is far from the only tool in the Brotherhood’s belt. Combat patrols support their heavier armored brethren, and Recon teams bring unparalleled training to undertake missions that no other arm of the Brotherhood could dream of completing. When deployed together, these teams are swift to remind their foes why it's the Brotherhood that are known and feared across the Wasteland, not just their Power Armor. Look out for other miniature sets in the Capital wave! Contents: 3x BoS Medium Combat Armor Troops 3x BoS Recon Armor Troops This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains six 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with optional parts and scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. These models can be used with either the rules from the Capital Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare NCR core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare NCR core set

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    The New Californian Republic rose from the ashes of the great war to rebuild and rejuvenate swathes of what as the western united states. Starting from a small trading town, it expanded and grew, and now covers tracts of land all the way up to New Vegas and the Hoover Dam. Their aims are to build and protect, but not all believe in this new system or it’s protectors.  With this in mind the Republic has built up its fighting forces to include rangers and troopers, all capable warriors with skilled tactical leaders and firepower to boot. They are ambitious, seemingly righteous, and ready to take on all comers in their fight for the land they see as theirs. Includes: Veteran Ranger Heavy Trooper 2x Patrol Rangers 3x Troopers 7x scenic bases The cards for this set are included in the New Vegas Rules Expansion

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Extra Dice set Fallout Wasteland Warfare Extra Dice set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Extra Dice set

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    In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare players will build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in apocalyptic games of 3-30 high quality 32mm scale resin miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka-Cola vending machines and wrecked cars.  This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare custom dice set contains: 1 x White Skill dice d20 1 x Red Armour d12 2 x Black Damage d12 2 x Armour Reduction d12 2 x Green Accuracy d12 2 x Blue Special Effect d12 The two player starter set includes enough dice to begin your Fallout: Wasteland Warfare gaming experience, as you expand your arsenal and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats you may want to add a second dice set to pack more of a punch!

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Gunner's core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Gunner's core set

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    The Gunners are the most organised mercenary group in the Commonwealth, and they’ve garnered a reputation as bloodthirsty, unscrupulous fighters. They claim to be soldiers for hire, but much of the Commonwealth views them as little better than raiders, a militarized gang of thugs with delusions of grandeur. These well-organised soldiers of fortune are a threat that cannot be ignored by anyone venturing into the Commonwealth. The Gunners Core set includes both officers and rank-and-file members of the Gunners faction. Look out for other miniatures sets in the Commonwealth wave! Contents: 1x Gunner Commander 1x Gunner Sergeant 2x Gunner Privates (with 2 weapon options) 1x Gunner Conscript (with 2 weapon options) 5x scenic bases This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains five 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. These models can be used with either the rules from the Commonwealth Expansion (available May 2022) or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Caesar's Legion core set Fallout Wasteland Warfare Caesar's Legion core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Caesar's Legion core set

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    Dictatorship or unity are a matter of point of view. While many of the actions and edicts of Caesar are tyrannical and brutal, they forge great warriors and hardiness out of the men and women who embrace them, from the Grand Canyon to the Colorado river. With New Vegas in sight and the Mojave wasteland ripe to be conquered, Caesar’s Legion marches forth to glory. Led by a Centurion and a Decanus, this core set includes the start of a mighty host, ready to take Caesar’s rule to the wastes. Includes: Centurion Decanus Legion Explorer 3x Legion Prime 2x Legion Recruits 8x scenic bases The cards for this set are included in the New Vegas Rules Expansion

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Railroad core set Fallout Wasteland Warfare Railroad core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Railroad core set

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    The Railroad are the most secretive group active in the Commonwealth. They protect synths and attempt to spirit them away from the Institute, who the Railroad view as nothing more than slavers. Synths, to the Railroad, are the equal of humans and deserve to live freely. Their current leader Desdemona has been a revolution for the Railroad, pushing their operation to new heights, and serving as a beacon of hope for all synths dreaming of freedom. The Railroad Core set includes the leaders and other major characters from the Railroad faction. Look out for other miniatures sets in the Commonwealth wave! Contents: 1x Desdemona 1x Drummer Boy 1x Doctor Carrington 1x Mister Tims 1x Tinker Tom 1x P.A.M. 6x scenic bases This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains six 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. These models can be used with either the rules from the Commonwealth Expansion (available May 2022) or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood of Steel core set Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood of Steel core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood of Steel core set

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    Expand your collection with with these high quality multi-part 32mm scale resin miniatures of 2 Lancers, 2 Field Scribes, 2 Knight Patrol, a T60 Paladin with Gatling Laser. This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.  Miniatures: 2x Lancers 2x Field Scribes 2x Knight Patrol 1x T60 Paladin with Gatling Laser 7x Scenic bases. Image shows painted miniatures In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, players will build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in apocalyptic games of 3 - 30 high quality 32mm scale resin miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka-Cola vending machines and wrecked cars.  Cards Requires the Wave 1 Fundamentals Card Deck or you can download the unit and weapon cards for free here.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack

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    As new and terrifying friends and foes are unleashed on the wasteland, the true survivors from all factions upgrade their weapons, find new allies and gird themselves for the fight to come. The Brotherhood of Steel deploy the Order of the Shield and call in their leader Elder Maxon to coordinate their pacification efforts. The Super Mutants are sure to resist, rushing forward to smash everything in their path. Shouting louder and hitting even harder are their Overlords, in particularly the bloodthirsty Fist. In the face of such aggression the Survivors will dig even deeper to stay alive – in some cases literally, calling on the support of long sealed vaults to bring pre-war tactics and personnel to the fray. Nothing is beyond the pale in the fight to stay alive, leading to some unusual alliances and all new companions joining the cause. All the while the Institute is creeping back into the light, deploying its synths and covert operations teams to further its shadowy cause. All the rules for units, weapons, and equipment in the Institute Wave are included in this card pack. Also included are new AI Cards, chems, mods, events, dangers and more, all for expanding the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare experience. Included in the set are cards for: Institute Core BoxInstitute SynthsInstitute Covert OperationsElder Maxon and Captain KellsOrder of the ShieldOverlord and FistSuper Mutant Skirmishers ExpansionT-51 Power Armour ExpansionVault Personnel ExpansionUnusual Allies Expansion Due to a printing error, the Institute Card Pack contents list is incorrect. This pack does not contain the cards for the Mechanist. Those cards can be found in the Automatron card pack. We apologise for any confusion this may cause.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Enclave Wave Card Expansion Pack

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    The ominous shadow of human ‘purity’ hangs over the wasteland as the rhythmic crunch of power armored feet echoes from ruin to ruin – The Enclave are making their presence known. Join the cause or fight your corner with new allies and fearsome enemies.  The Enclave themselves bring multiple power armor variants and heavy weapons to the wasteland, ready to reclaim it for their president. Their top brass take to the field, with Colonel Autumn commanding and Frank Horrigan bludgeoning his way though anything brave (or stupid) enough to stand in the way.  At the same time attacks have been increasing from the shoreline. Seasonal migrations and the vibrations of war draw creatures to the fray in increased numbers. Skittering and chittering across the sand, wave of chitinous Mirelurks find prey on the shoreline. Their hunters seek out potential food for hatchlings and their eggs, while larger specimens lay in wait in the depths. All the while sinister monsters hunt the twilight fogs on the shore, glimpsed then gone; few have seen them up close and lived to tell the tale… All the rules for units, weapons, and equipment in the Enclave Wave are included in this card pack. Also included are new AI Cards, chems, mods, events, dangers and more, all for expanding the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare experience. Included in the set are 45 poker size and 159 Euro mini cards for: Enclave Core BoxEnclave High CommandEnclave Soldier SetEnclave Tesla SetEnclave Hellfire SetFrank HorriganUnaligned T 45 Power ArmourMirelurksMirelurk HuntersMirelurk Hatchlings + EggsMirelurk QueenFog CrawlerLorenzo Cabot  This boxed set contains cards to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need this Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of other wave release boxes.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Super Mutants core set Fallout Wasteland Warfare Super Mutants core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Super Mutants core set

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    Expand your collection with these high quality multi-part 32mm scale resin miniatures of 2 Super Mutant Hounds, 3 Super Mutants, 1 Super Mutant Brute, 1 Super Mutant Master and all the cards you need to play as the Super Mutants faction Models: 2x Super Mutant Hounds 3x Super Mutant 1x Super Mutant Brute 1x Super Mutant Master This set does not contain cards - Requires the Wave 1 Fundamentals Card Deck or you can download the unit and weapon cards for free here. In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, players will build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in apocalyptic games of 3 - 30 high quality 32mm scale resin miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka-Cola vending machines and wrecked cars. This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors core set Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Survivors core set

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    Expand your collection with these high quality multi-part 32mm scale resin miniatures of Mama Murphy, Preston Garvey, Ronnie Shaw, Sturges, 2 male and 2 female settlers.  This set does not contain cards - Requires the Wave 1 Fundamentals Card Deck or you can download the unit and weapon cards for free here. In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, players will build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in apocalyptic games of 3 - 30 high quality 32mm scale resin miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka- Cola vending machines and wrecked cars. This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted. Each set provides an expansion to your game with new cards for player vs player and AI game modes. Models 1x Mama Murphy, 1x Preston Garvey, 1x Ronnie Shaw, 1x Sturges, 4x Settlers (2 male, 2 female), 8 x Scenic bases. Cards Requires the Wave 1 Fundamentals Card Deck or you can download the unit and weapon cards for free here.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Institute core set Fallout Wasteland Warfare Institute core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Institute core set

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    The Institute are an enigma to most in the Wasteland – are they the synthetic future of humankind, or robotic bogeymen waiting to replace you when you sleep? Few ever find out the true nature of this shadowy organisation, and fewer still live to tell the tale. What is known is that the Institute utilise the highest levels of technology to achieve their aims, and even have the power to emulate humans exactly. With stiletto sharp precision they infiltrate and eradicate high value targets. With force of numbers they can overwhelm strongpoints with waves of Gen 1 synths. They are the everywhere and nowhere, and paranoia follows in their wake. This boxed set contains eight 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Institute miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Players will need the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack to use the contents of this box.  Contents: 4x gen 1 Synths 2x gen 2 Synths 1x Institute Scientist 1x Institute Courser Please note does not include cards, unit and weapon cards are available to download for free, or get everything including their AI Cards in the Institute Wave Card Expansion Pack.

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders core set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare Raiders core set

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    Ruthless and aggressive, gangs of Raiders can be found across the Wasteland scavenging and stealing to survive. Lead by the strongest and most cunning among them, Veteran Raiders have often managed to piece together rusting suits of scrap Power Armour. Raiders bring a mix of cheap and somewhat disposable troops armed with basic scrap ranged  weapons and blades. Chem crazed Psychos race to close with the enemy and tear them apart in melee, or else send their foes reeling with grenades. Meanwhile the savvy Scavvers hang back and pick off chosen targets with accurate rifle fire.  This boxed set contains seven 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Raider miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games. Contents: 1 x Veteran Raider in Raider Power Armour 3 x Raider 2 x Psycho 1 x Scavver Please note does not include cards, unit and weapon cards are available to download for free, or get everything including their AI cards in the Raiders Wave Expansion Card Pack

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  • Fallout Wasteland Warfare 2 player pvc starter set Fallout Wasteland Warfare 2 player pvc starter set

    Fallout Fallout Wasteland Warfare 2 player pvc starter set

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    WARGAMING IN THE WASTELAND!  1-2 Player. Average 40-120mins Playing Time. Ages 14 +  The Two-Player Starter Set contains everything you need to play Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. Please note that the miniatures included are unpainted pre-assembled multi-part PVC.  In Fallout: Wasteland Warfare players build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, and play in post-apocalyptic tabletop combat games of 3 - 30 high quality 32mm scale miniatures. Pick units or characters and give them access to V.A.T.S bonuses and select a Leader who can gain Perks and other abilities to support your crew. Develop your settlements, buildings, defenses and resources to impact your crew’s army list and abilities in the wasteland. Fallout: Wasteland Warfare includes narrative campaigns as well as standard points-based battles, random missions with narrative-style objectives, and you can even search the wasteland for gear or other loot. Bottlecaps recovered in missions can be used to improve the crew’s perks, weapons, gear, and other upgrades for the next encounter. All gameplay modes support Player vs. Player, Co-Op or Solo play. CONTENTS: The Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two-Player Starter Set contains 32mm scale high-quality multi-part pre-assembled PVC miniatures with scenic bases. Miniatures are fully assembled in the factory and supplied unpainted. You can upgrade this with the Resin Two Player Starter Models set to get most of  the miniatures in multi-part high-quality resin (except Deathclaw which is available separately, and the Alien Zetan which is PVC-only). 13 Pre-Assembled Multi-Part Hardened PVC Miniatures! 1x Aviator Head Super Mutant 1x Super Mutant Brute 1 x Standard Super Mutant 2 x Super Mutant Hounds 1x Nora (the Sole Survivor) 1x Dogmeat 1x Enslaved Tech Survivor 2x Settlers (one male, one female) 1x Brotherhood of Steel Aspirant in T-60 Power Amour 1x Alien Zetan 1x Deathclaw 13x scenic bases (will be affixed to models)  Over 120 cards, including: Unit, AI, Reference, Items, Boost, Heroic, Quest, Perk, Leader, Explore, Event, Wasteland and more!). Large (poker) size cards are 63.5 mm X 88.9 mm; Small (mini) size cards are 67 mm X 44mm. 10 custom dice, including: 1x White Skill dice d20, 1x Red Armour d12, 2x Black Damage d12, 2x Armour Reduction d12, 2x Green Accuracy d12, 2x Blue Special Effect d12 20 Scenarios: 5x Training missions following the Survivors and Super Mutants, 5x Tournament Missions, 5x AI Missions, 5x Narrative Missions Two die-cut counter sheets including over 260 small counters, 60 large counters, two full sets of 6 cardboard range sticks,  1x complete Rule Book (not just a starter rulebook!) and 1x Ways To Play Book including the Settlement, AI and Campaign rules. A 3ft x 3ft two-part paper gaming mat of the area around the Red Rocket diner! #fallout #wasteland #warfare

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Fallout Wasteland Warfare


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