"There are those in ArcWorlde who are born with a natural aptitude for magic. These children are often discovered quickly and are taken from their parents to Mt Orion to study to become Wizards. It takes a long time to train, and it is common for Apprentices to join older Wizards on their expeditions into ArcWorlde.
Oftentimes way out of their depth on the field of battle, Apprentices learn quickly and use their burgeoning magical powers to protect themselves and their mentor. However, they aren’t full spell casters yet, and have a lot to learn before they may call themselves Wizards.”
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warp Miniatures' white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
"There are those in ArcWorlde who are born with a natural aptitude for magic. These children are often discovered quickly and are taken from their parents to Mt Orion to study to become Wizards. It takes a long time to train, and it is common for Apprentices to join older Wizards on their expeditions into ArcWorlde.
Oftentimes way out of their depth on the field of battle, Apprentices learn quickly and use their burgeoning magical powers to protect themselves and their mentor. However, they aren’t full spell casters yet, and have a lot to learn before they may call themselves Wizards.”
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warp Miniatures' white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
"A Wizard collects many scrolls, tomes and other magical literature over the course of their travels. These are often contained within an enchanted bookcase, which keeps them safe and stores them for when they are needed. These bookcases have a life of their own, and fuss over their collection like a protective mother hen.
When in battle the Charmed Bookcases select the most powerful of spell books to tentatively give to their masters, though in the heat of battle it can be a random bet which ones they receive."
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warp Miniatures' white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
"A common sight in the corridors of the Grand College, these enchanted suits of armour silently stand guard, ready to leap into action at the merest hint of danger.
Many wandering Wizards borrow these automatons to keep them safe on their adventures, or else construct them themselves from materials they find in the field. If damaged, or destroyed, they often pull themselves back together again in time."
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warp Miniatures' white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
"The conjuring of magical creatures is a skill learned very early in a Wizard’s training. Most of the manual labour at the Grand College is done by these beings, who scurry around independently, but always obediently, from their caster.
The smaller of these beasts, known as Sprites, can take whatever form the mage can think of. Oftentimes they reflect the personalities of the caster and take the forms of many weird and wonderful creatures. In the dangerous wilds of ArcWorlde, a Wizard may conjure up a whole army of these creatures, who obediently leap into battle to defend their master.”
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warp Miniatures' white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.
"In the depths of the Mildaark Forest lies the immense spire of Mt. Orion. Carved into its alabaster peaks is the Great College of Mt. Orion, a mighty fortress of learning where the Wizards of Upper ArcWorlde unravel the secrets of magic.
Driven by a thirst for knowledge the Wizards venture into ArcWorlde to seek ways to expand their expertise in their chosen arcane endeavours. Accompanied by their apprentices and summoned protectors, Wizards search far and wide for artefacts and enchanted tomes to increase their magical prowess."
Contained within this pack is everything you need to get started with the Wizard Faction for ArcWorlde: Second Edition.
This pack contains:
1 x Wizard
2 x Wizard Apprentices
4 x Sprites
These Heroic 28mm/32mm scale fantasy miniatures are cast in Warp Miniatures' white metal and are provided unpainted and unassembled. Plastic bases are included.