Two Thin Coats All products
Dragon's Gold (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #Dragon's #Gold #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Sir Coates Silver (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #Sir #Coates #Silver #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Battle Mud Wash
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: Wash #two #thin #coats #Battle #Mud #Wash #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Oblivion Black Wash
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: Wash #two #thin #coats #Oblivion #Black #Wash #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Glistening Gold (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #Glistening #Gold #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Mythril Blade (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #Mythril #Blade #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
White Star (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #White #Star #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Spartan Bronze (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #Spartan #Bronze #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Sanguine Scarlet (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #midtone #sanguine #scarlet #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Plate Armour (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #Plate #Armour #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Trooper White (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #Trooper #White #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Demon Red (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #demon #red #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Ivory Tusk (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #Ivory #Tusk #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Boar Hide (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #boar #hide #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Skulker Yellow (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #midtone #skulker #yellow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Cuirass Leather (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #Cuirass #Leather #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Elven Skin (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #elven #skin #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Doom Death Black (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #Doom #Death #Black #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Dwarven Skin (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #dwarven #skin #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Vampire Fang (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #Vampire #Fang #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Carcharodon Grey (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #Carcharodon #Grey #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Death Reaper (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #Death #Reaper #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Barbarian Brawn (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #Barbarian #Brawn #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Dungeon Stone Grey (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #Dungeon #Stone #Grey #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Ethereal Green (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #ethereal #green #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Archaic Sepia Wash
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: Wash #duncan #rhodes #paint #miniatures #two #thin #coats #archaic #sepia #wash
Berserker Red (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #shadow #berserker #red #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Sword Hilt Burgundy (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #Sword #Hilt #Burgundy #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Emerald Green (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #midtone #emerald #green #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Wyvern Green (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #Wyvern #Green #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Griffon Claw (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #Griffon #Claw #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Skeleton Legion (midtone)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: midtone #two #thin #coats #Skeleton #Legion #midtone #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Dragon Fang (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #dragon #fang #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Wizard Grey (shadow)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: shadow #two #thin #coats #wizard #grey #shadow #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Fur cloak (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #fur #cloak #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature
Yellow Flame (highlight)
The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy "Two Thin Coats" Paint Range has been created from the ground up with the support of the best paint development chemists in the world. Specifically designed for any level of hobbyist, this paint range is fun for both beginner and seasoned painters. Volume: 15ml Bottle Tip point Paint system: highlight #two #thin #coats #highlight #yellow #flame #duncan #rhodes #paints #miniature