Welcome to Malifaux, a twisted mirror of an alternate Earth in the 1900s; a world of gothic horror, Victorian structures, steampunk constructs, and wild west gunslingers. Rife with undead amalgamations, monstrous vengeful apparitions, and other creatures that bump in the night, these near-lawless lands are still worth treading for some, as the Soulstones deep within the cavernous catacombs are worth more than the sweat and blood it takes to obtain them.
Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game that carries the events from the lore directly into the characters’ mechanics. With a streamlined hiring system, straightforward and updated rules that don’t get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those mental gears turning for years to come, it’s never been a better time to dive into the world of Malifaux.
Seek your fortune, test your luck, and stake your claim in this fast-paced and brutal tabletop miniature skirmish game.
No longer do you have to trust the fickle fate of a dice roll. In Malifaux, you use cards called a Fate Deck to lead your crew to victory. If strategy, tactics, and resource management can’t help you achieve your goals, don’t worry, as you can always Cheat Fate.
#malifaux #rulebook #rules #core #corebook
Malifaux, a twisted mirror of an alternate Earth in the 1900s; a world of gothic horror, Victorian structures, steampunk constructs, and wild west gunslingers. Rife with undead amalgamations, monstrous vengeful apparitions, and other creatures that bump in the night, these near-lawless lands are still worth treading for some, as the Soulstones deep within the cavernous catacombs are worth more than the sweat and blood it takes to obtain them.
Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game where two players fight one of the endless skirmishes for control over the towns, settlements, and places of power in this dangerous new world. In Malifaux, the events from its extensive lore are directly carried into the characters' mechanics. With a streamlined hiring system, straight forward and updated rules that don't get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those mental gears turning for years to come, it's never been a better time to dive in.
alifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature. Pre-assembled miniatures.The Bayou Starter Box is the perfect jumping-off point for a player ready to make the leap into Malifaux Third Edition. Containing everything needed to get started as soon as possible, this box contains four pre-assembled models, a Fate Deck, General Upgrades, Markers, and a Measuring Widget.
Faction: Bayou
Keyword: Bayou Versatile
StumpyFluffernutterRufflesBo PeepFate DeckGeneral Upgrades10x Scheme MarkersMeasuring widget
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #faction #starter #box
MALIFAUX, The Other Side and Through the Breach uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.
1 Duality fate deck
#malifaux #fate #deck #faction
MALIFAUX uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
The Guild of Mercantilers is often seen as an omnipresent, ever-vigilant force that protects citizens against criminals and the monsters that roam Malifaux. What few people realize is that this strength is a carefully maintained illusion. Protection of the people is a secondary motivation at best; their interests lie only in Soulstones, and each shipment sent back to Earth helps solidify their stranglehold over the world’s most powerful nations.
1x Bayou Deck
#malifaux #bayou #fate #deck #faction
This is what Wyrd games telling us about this expansion for Malifaux:
"In Malifaux Burns, the latest book for M3E, the Burning Man has arrived. For the last few years, the failed experiment of the former Governor-General has been causing havoc on Earth, warping mankind from the clouds above. His portals have opened in both sea and sky, letting loose creatures that even the most imaginative minds could not fathom. His path of destruction is random and without remorse, and now he’s here… back where it all started.
With this expansion, we have created new ways to play every keyword by re-designing Masters from the ground up. Not only do these titles create strengths where there were once weaknesses, but they also create questions for your opponent to ask as soon as the crew building begins. What version of Ulix is my opponent playing? Should I bring counters to his grow mechanics or his fiery pig steed? Which version fits the current pool of Strategies and Schemes?
We wanted to expand the ways you play a specific keyword or crew so that they are viable in more pools and are competitive in more instances, while also making existing Masters that don’t see as much play reach the table more often, as well.
Hidden information between players before the game even starts has been a staple in previous editions, such as through Upgrades and even scoring points. We’ve learned a lot from those iterations, and believe that this approach further pushes specialization of a single keyword, which keeps the barrier of entry low and tactical decisions high, while staying true to the many secrets that Malifaux has to offer.
Even from a lore perspective, with Malifaux Burns, we’re harkening back to the past to take another look at how we used to tell stories on a grander scale. Like First Edition, the story in Malifaux Burns will be broad and expansive, covering the details of what happened to the 8 Masters who have been corrupted by the Burning Man’s sudden arrival. It’s the largest single story ever written for a Malifaux book (because creating new ways to play 54 Masters wasn’t enough), and we can’t wait for you to experience it."
Great news! Start playing!
#malifaux #expansion #book #burns #new #masters
Malifaux uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.
#Malifaux #iconic #fate #deck
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
The Guild of Mercantilers is often seen as an omnipresent, ever-vigilant force that protects citizens against criminals and the monsters that roam Malifaux. What few people realize is that this strength is a carefully maintained illusion. Protection of the people is a secondary motivation at best; their interests lie only in Soulstones, and each shipment sent back to Earth helps solidify their stranglehold over the world’s most powerful nations.
Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
New ways to play your favorite masters!
With Master Titles, you can now choose which version of your favorite Master will lead your crew. Each title will alter how your Master and crew plays on the battlefield!Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Guild / Bayou
Keyword: Family, Kin
Perdita Ortega, Neverborn Hunter
Sly "Six-Shots"
Ophelia LaCroix, Overloaded
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #guild #faction #behind #trigger
The leader of the Tucket family has been around the block a few times, and she’s picked up plenty of devious tricks over the course of her long life. On the battlefield, she combines a high damage output with a frankly absurd amount of movement, making her one of the more mobile masters in the game. The Tricksy Gremlins in Mah Tucket’s Crew follow in her footsteps with the powerful Scamper Ability, which allows them to move up to 3” each time an enemy model Cheats Fate.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Bayou
Keyword: Tricksy
Mah Tucket
The Little Lass
3 Bayou Bushwackers
#malifaux #mah #tucket #bayou #starter #core
Never one to play fair if he can avoid it, Som’er has recruited the whole Jones clan (and whomever else was around at the time) to back him up in the fight. Swarming his enemies with his Ability to summon in his “family”, Som’er now has a bigger hat than ever, and you won’t forget it! Distinctive to those Big Hat Gremlins is the Bayou Bash Ability, giving them benefits to their Actions for every other Big Hat model in the area, allowing them to swarm their enemy, even if only from a few meager Bayou Gremlins.
This box contains 7 miniatures
So’mer Teeth Jones
2x Skeeters
Lenny Jones
3x Good Ol’ Boys
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #faction #core #box
The dreaded pirate of the skyship Infamy has broadened his horizons and formed an unlikely partnership with a number of less-than-reputable Outcasts. As one of the newest dual-faction Masters, Zipp boasts insane speed and some impressive debuffing capabilities. Ever eager to impress their captain and live up to his growing reputation, his Infamous Crew possess the Showboating Ability, which allows them to draw a card if they Cheated Fate during their Activation.
Faction: Bayou and Outcasts
Keyword: Infamous
Captain Zipp
The First Mate
Earl Burns
3 Iron Skeeters
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #captian #zipp #outcasts #faction #core #box
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
Zoraida has solidified her position as the queen of Action manipulation. In addition to moving other models around the battlefield according to her whims, she also possesses a great deal of card manipulation, both via cycling cards whenever the opponent Cheats Fate and her powerful Threads of Fate Action, which forces both players to discard their hand and draw six new cards. As is fitting for a bunch of creatures that live in the swamp, the Ability most often found among the Swampfiend is Penetrating Stench, forcing enemies around them to discard cards or gain the Stunned Condition.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn, Bayou
Keyword: Swampfiend
Bad Juju
Voodoo Doll
Waldgeists x3
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #neverborn #faction #core #box
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniatures made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Bayou
Keyword: Angler
The Clampetts, Fisherfolk
Aunty Mel
Skulker Skins x3
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #clampetts #faction #core #box
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
The Ten Thunders
Hate not the wickedness, but weakness, for it is not the corruption of power that threatens, but the corruption of the weak. Power may corrupt a few, but weakness will corrupt the many. Wicked as they may be to some, The Ten Thunders are anything but weak, having brought a crumbling slum to a thriving district by way of mind more so than muscle. With eyes and ears in every organisation this side of the breach, The Ten Thunders seek absolute control over Malifaux and will wait patiently like the mantis hunting the hummingbird, for their time to strike.
The Bayou
Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
Faction: Ten Thunders/Bayou
Keyword: Tri-Chi, Qi and Gong
1x Youko Hamasaki, Unseen
1x Shojo
1x The Brewmaster, Moonshiner
#malifaux #3rd #edition #outcasts #guild #faction #trade #secrets #bayou #ten #thunders
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
New ways to play your favorite masters!
With Master Titles, you can now choose which version of your favorite Master will lead your crew. Each title will alter how your Master and crew plays on the battlefield!Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Guild / Bayou
Keyword: Angler, Cavalier
The Clampetts, Bally-Hoo Bucket
Judd & Honey
Harold Tull, Dead Silent
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #guild #faction #unconventional #tactics
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Outcast/Arcanist/Bayou
Keyword: Foundry, Tricksy
Mei Feng, Foreman
Mah Tucket, Mecha Mee-Maw
Rock Hopper
#malifaux #3rd #edition #outcast #arcanist #bayou #faction #scrapyard
Having severed all ties with the Ten Thunders, The Brewmaster now focuses all of his attention upon Gremlin issues. By poisoning his enemies via high-proof alcohol, The Brewmaster ensures that they will be unable to function effectively, even as they slowly succumb to the toxic mixtures in their bellies. His Tri-Chi followers, however, have imbibed so many of their boss’s concoctions they’ve gained the High Tolerance Ability, which reduces all damage they suffer from Poison to 0.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Bayou
Keyword: Tri-Chi
The Brewmaster
Fingers Leong
Apprentice Wesley
3 Moon Shinobi
#brewmaster #bayou #core #box #malifaux
Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
The pig master of Malifaux wishes for a simple life, to spend summer days watching over his herd, letting the Pigs grow wild and free. Even in Third Edition, Ulix keeps with this theme, spending his time herding his Pigs into position and letting them grow in front of his eyes, getting stronger and tougher by the minute. His Pigs, however, have kept their wild and reckless nature with effects such as Rampage and Stampede, providing the Pigs with excess damage at the cost of their Health or a general sense for their own self-preservation.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Bayou
Keyword: Sooey, Pig
Ulix Turner
Old Major
3 Wild Boars
#ulix #bayou #core #box #malifaux
Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
Wong’s name is synonymous with uncontrolled magic and even more uncontrolled explosions, and we’ve honored that impressive legacy by making Wong the poster child of the new Shockwave mechanic. Wong’s penchant for collateral damage has been reinforced with Hard Knock Life Ability, common among Wizz-Bang models, which give the Fast Condition each time a model is damaged by another friendly model.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Bayou
Keyword: Wizz-Bang
Olivia Bernard
Alphonse LeBlanc
Lightning Bugs x3
#wong #bayou #core #box #malifaux
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
The Bayou
Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
The Neverborn
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
1x Titania, Autumn Queen
1x Ulix Turner, Porkbelly Protector
1x Erymanthian Boar
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #guild #faction #protected #domain #bayou
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
The Explorer's Society
Originally established as a means to reinvigorate the long-dulled sense of adventure of its founder, the Explorer's Society has since expanded to focus on unfurling the mysteries of Malifaux and beyond. These aristocrats, dark tourists, and pioneers venture into the unknown corners of this world to seek knowledge, discover new locations, and hunt big game. While their motivations are unclear, their recent push to amass rare artefacts is not.
The Bayou
Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
The Outcasts
Freedom's a lie sold to fools who will bury whatever sod you're sellin'. You'll have an easier time holding the sun in the palm of your hands than finding true freedom. Many of the Outcasts once bought into the well-groomed sales pitch, chasing imagined diamonds. But now that they're no longer wanted to wander the city, these renegades have become what many had already assumed them to be: outlaws on the run, pushed away by the society that chooses to misunderstand them. As long as there's a lawman, there will be those that oppose them, those that ignore them, and those that defy them. It won't be some blind bull that dictates what's right or wrong. To an Outcast, the decision to charge toward or escape from their destiny is theirs and theirs alone.
Faction: Explorer's Society/Bayou/Outcasts
Keyword: EVS, Infamous
1x Maxine Agassiz, Monomaniacal
1x Beau Fishbocker
1x Captain Zipp, Dread Pirate
Please Note:
Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
Printed materials are supplied in English.
#malifaux #3rd #edition #outcasts #navigating #chaos #bayou #guild #faction #explorers #society