Welcome to Malifaux, a twisted mirror of an alternate Earth in the 1900s; a world of gothic horror, Victorian structures, steampunk constructs, and wild west gunslingers. Rife with undead amalgamations, monstrous vengeful apparitions, and other creatures that bump in the night, these near-lawless lands are still worth treading for some, as the Soulstones deep within the cavernous catacombs are worth more than the sweat and blood it takes to obtain them.
Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game that carries the events from the lore directly into the characters’ mechanics. With a streamlined hiring system, straightforward and updated rules that don’t get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those mental gears turning for years to come, it’s never been a better time to dive into the world of Malifaux.
Seek your fortune, test your luck, and stake your claim in this fast-paced and brutal tabletop miniature skirmish game.
No longer do you have to trust the fickle fate of a dice roll. In Malifaux, you use cards called a Fate Deck to lead your crew to victory. If strategy, tactics, and resource management can’t help you achieve your goals, don’t worry, as you can always Cheat Fate.
#malifaux #rulebook #rules #core #corebook
Malifaux, a twisted mirror of an alternate Earth in the 1900s; a world of gothic horror, Victorian structures, steampunk constructs, and wild west gunslingers. Rife with undead amalgamations, monstrous vengeful apparitions, and other creatures that bump in the night, these near-lawless lands are still worth treading for some, as the Soulstones deep within the cavernous catacombs are worth more than the sweat and blood it takes to obtain them.
Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game where two players fight one of the endless skirmishes for control over the towns, settlements, and places of power in this dangerous new world. In Malifaux, the events from its extensive lore are directly carried into the characters' mechanics. With a streamlined hiring system, straight forward and updated rules that don't get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those mental gears turning for years to come, it's never been a better time to dive in.
MALIFAUX uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature. Pre-assembled miniatures.The Neverborn Starter Box is the perfect jumping-off point for a player ready to make the leap into Malifaux Third Edition. Containing everything needed to get started as soon as possible, this box contains four pre-assembled models, a Fate Deck, General Upgrades, Markers, and a Measuring Widget.
Faction: Neverborn
Keyword: Neverborn Versatile
Klaus Norwood
Redcaps x2
Fate Deck
General Upgrades
10x Scheme Markers
Measuring widget
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #faction #starter #box
MALIFAUX uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
1x Neverborn Fate Deck
#malifaux #neverborn #fate #deck #faction
Pandora is notorious for twisting an enemy’s attacks back upon them, and little has changed in Third Edition. In addition to forcing enemy models to harm themselves, Pandora is also very good at controlling enemy activations via her Mood Swings Ability, which allows her to discard a card or a pass token to choose which model an opponent must activate next. As the embodiment of negative emotions, the Woes each have are tied to a specific Condition, allowing them to capitalize on that Condition with their Misery and Opportunist Abilities, allowing for a cornucopia of versatile effects.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn
Keyword: Woe
Baby Kade
3 Sorrows
this kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #pandora #neverborn #faction #core #box
MALIFAUX, The Other Side and Through the Breach uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.
1 Duality fate deck
#malifaux #fate #deck #faction
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
Having dealt with her sister’s false claim upon the Nephilim, Nekima has finally risen to the position of master. As one might expect, she is a terrifying melee combatant who is capable of both great speed and immense damage. Not surprisingly, the thematic Ability linking her thematic crew together is the Black Blood of the Nephilim, which splashes out to damage those around them each time they are wounded.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn
Keyword: Nephilim
Blood Hunter
Mature Nephilim x2
Young Nephilim x2
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #faction #core #box #nakima
This is what Wyrd games telling us about this expansion for Malifaux:
"In Malifaux Burns, the latest book for M3E, the Burning Man has arrived. For the last few years, the failed experiment of the former Governor-General has been causing havoc on Earth, warping mankind from the clouds above. His portals have opened in both sea and sky, letting loose creatures that even the most imaginative minds could not fathom. His path of destruction is random and without remorse, and now he’s here… back where it all started.
With this expansion, we have created new ways to play every keyword by re-designing Masters from the ground up. Not only do these titles create strengths where there were once weaknesses, but they also create questions for your opponent to ask as soon as the crew building begins. What version of Ulix is my opponent playing? Should I bring counters to his grow mechanics or his fiery pig steed? Which version fits the current pool of Strategies and Schemes?
We wanted to expand the ways you play a specific keyword or crew so that they are viable in more pools and are competitive in more instances, while also making existing Masters that don’t see as much play reach the table more often, as well.
Hidden information between players before the game even starts has been a staple in previous editions, such as through Upgrades and even scoring points. We’ve learned a lot from those iterations, and believe that this approach further pushes specialization of a single keyword, which keeps the barrier of entry low and tactical decisions high, while staying true to the many secrets that Malifaux has to offer.
Even from a lore perspective, with Malifaux Burns, we’re harkening back to the past to take another look at how we used to tell stories on a grander scale. Like First Edition, the story in Malifaux Burns will be broad and expansive, covering the details of what happened to the 8 Masters who have been corrupted by the Burning Man’s sudden arrival. It’s the largest single story ever written for a Malifaux book (because creating new ways to play 54 Masters wasn’t enough), and we can’t wait for you to experience it."
Great news! Start playing!
#malifaux #expansion #book #burns #new #masters
The self-proclaimed Queen of the Neverborn is far more durable than one might suspect at first glance. On the tabletop, she serves as a defensive tank who twists the terrain around her to her own advantage. This Queen and her Fae possess the unique Ability Abundant Growth, allowing them to create terrain at the start of the game, punishing their enemies and providing a home-field advantage to the crew.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn
Keyword: Woe
Titania Core Box
3 Autumn Knights
this kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #titania #neverborn #faction #core #box
A few years make all the difference, don’t they? The Dreamer has grown up a bit has embraced his role as a summoner of horrific Nightmares. Unlike his previous iterations, both The Dreamer and Lord Chompy Bits make their way to the field from the start of the game and work as a duo rather than swapping between the two. As a crew, the Nightmares exploit their enemies fear with their Feed on Fear Ability, allowing them to Heal whenever an enemy fails a Willpower duel around them, such as from their horrific visage embodied by their Terrifying Ability.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn
Keyword: Nightmare
The Dreamer
Lord Chompy Bits
3 Alps
#dreamer #neverborn #core #box #malifaux
Malifaux uses cards, not dice, and the beautifully illustrated card pack is called a FATE DECK. This Deck is 100% plastic with the Malifaux suits. Two Fate Decks are needed to play the game, one for each player.
#Malifaux #iconic #fate #deck
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
New ways to play your favorite masters!
With Master Titles, you can now choose which version of your favorite Master will lead your crew. Each title will alter how your Master and crew plays on the battlefield!
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniatures made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Explorer Society, Outcast, Neverborn, Resurrectionist
Keywords: Bygone, Returned
Tiri - The Architect
Unseelie Engine
Kastore - Fervent
#malifaux #3rd #edition #guild #faction #ruins #lost #age
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability. Here are a few of the newest improvements.
Models are now hired based on their Keyword, which encourages more thematic Crews while allowing for abilities that more closely tie models together. Ever wanted to run two (or more) Masters together on the tabletop? Now you can!
Conditions & Tokens
The number of Conditions in M2E has been reduced down to 11 single Conditions. As well, several Masters and Crews that once relied on conditions to function now use Tokens that serve as counters for their various abilities, whether they be deadly plagues or a crippling addiction to the raw essence of the Hungering Darkness.
New Masters
Nekima has reclaimed her birthright! Standing alongside her is Euripides, a prophetic giant who has followed the omens from his frozen mountain home into the lowlands. The Guild has responded by promoting the brutal Captain Dashel, elevating him to the position of Master... and providing him further assistance in the form of Cornelius Basse. These heroes must also contend with the recruiting efforts of the ghoulish University of Transmortis and its macabre headmaster, Professor Albus Von Schtook, and the subtle machinations of Youko Hamasaki, the cunning proprietor of the Qi and Gong, a mysterious brothel nestled at the heart of the Little Kingdom.
The Neverborn
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
The Resurrectionists
It might start with an itch, a whisper; a need to be scratched, screamed or delivered. The Resurrectionists, like the stitches and sutures that keep their corpses together, are grave robbers, serial killers, and innovators that are loosely bound together by common enemies, goals, and the voice in their heads. Most have retreated to places like the Quarantine Zone or the sewers, where their practices are judged not by their peers, but more often worshipped. Able to Manipulate and master the inevitability of death, The Resurrectionists are difficult to put down. as they keep getting right back up.
Faction: Neverborn / Resurrectionist
Keyword: Nephilim, Forgotten
1x Molly Squidpiddge, Chaotic Conductor
1x Nekima, Broodmother
1x Undead Nephilim
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #resurrectionist #monstrous
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
Zoraida has solidified her position as the queen of Action manipulation. In addition to moving other models around the battlefield according to her whims, she also possesses a great deal of card manipulation, both via cycling cards whenever the opponent Cheats Fate and her powerful Threads of Fate Action, which forces both players to discard their hand and draw six new cards. As is fitting for a bunch of creatures that live in the swamp, the Ability most often found among the Swampfiend is Penetrating Stench, forcing enemies around them to discard cards or gain the Stunned Condition.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn, Bayou
Keyword: Swampfiend
Bad Juju
Voodoo Doll
Waldgeists x3
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #bayou #neverborn #faction #core #box
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
Having dealt with her sister’s false claim upon the Nephilim, Nekima has finally risen to the position of master. As one might expect, she is a terrifying melee combatant who is capable of both great speed and immense damage. Not surprisingly, the thematic Ability linking her thematic crew together is the Black Blood of the Nephilim, which splashes out to damage those around them each time they are wounded.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn, Resurrectionists
Keyword: Returned
6x Miniatures
1x Kastore, Awakened
1x Marathine
1x Gwyll
3x Blood Vessels
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #resurrectionists #faction #core #box #kastore
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
New ways to play your favorite masters!
With Master Titles, you can now choose which version of your favorite Master will lead your crew. Each title will alter how your Master and crew plays on the battlefield!
Faction: Explorer's Society/Arcanist/Neverborn
Keyword: Apex, Chimera
Macrus, Alpha
Lord Cooper, Huntmaster
Empyrean Eagle x2
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #explorers #society #arcanists #guild #faction #survival #fittest
Marcus has made a pact with Titania and now serves both the Arcanists and Neverborn. With this change in allegiance comes a shift in playstyle: Marcus now actively mutates the Beasts and Chimera that he brings to a battle, shaping their attacks and abilities to suit his needs. Embracing the Mutation’s given to them, the Chimera under Marcus’ control have the Adaptive Evolution Ability, allowing them to get a one-time quick buff at the cost of reverting back to their original form and discarding the Upgrade.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Arcanists/Neverborn
Keyword: Chimera
3 Order Initiate
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #marcus #arcanist #faction #core #box
The newest master of the Neverborn is Euripides, an ancient prophet of the giants who has descended from the mountains at the behest of Titania. As a creature of ice and frost, Euripides is capable of creating ice pillars across the battlefield and hurling them at his enemies, controlling the battlefield, or even teleporting to the pillars in a Shattering Surprise. In addition to their frozen tricks, Euripides and his rune-bound Savages also worship using The Old Ways, allowing them to flip cards from their discard pile, rather than their Fate Deck.
Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Neverborn
Keyword: Savage
Primordial Magic
3 Gigants
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #euripides #faction #core #box
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
The Bayou
Nestled to the east of Malifaux City is the Bayou, an expansive swamp with open marshes, flooded wetlands, and acres of pig farms. Beneath the branches is a cobbled-together Gremlin society that mimics the important elements of humanity, like brewing alcohol, shooting guns, and generally being a lethal nuisance to society. The Bayou is a chaotic place, and the denizens will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
The Neverborn
The creatures that humanity has dubbed the Neverborn are the native inhabitants of Malifaux. Some are the twisted descendants of the world’s original occupants, while others are nightmarish ghouls created through bizarre spells or magically-enhanced evolution. Many Neverborn believe that humanity is a scourge that must be cleansed, but those rare few believe that they have an important role in this world’s greater schemes. Only time will tell.
1x Titania, Autumn Queen
1x Ulix Turner, Porkbelly Protector
1x Erymanthian Boar
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #guild #faction #protected #domain #bayou
Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!
Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability.
New ways to play your favorite masters!
With Master Titles, you can now choose which version of your favorite Master will lead your crew. Each title will alter how your Master and crew plays on the battlefield!Malifaux models are 32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Faction: Guild / Explorer's Society / Neverborn
Keyword: Cadmus, Elite, Mimic
Nexus, One of Many (x3)
Lucius Matheson, Dishonorable
#malifaux #3rd #edition #neverborn #explorer #society #guild #faction #best #kept #secret
The leader of the Elite Division has retained his dual-faction status and is more than willing to work with both Guild and Neverborn alike. As a politician and commander, Lucius is very good at ordering his subordinates around the battlefield, and he’s even retained the services of a few dozen hidden snipers, making him an unlikely source of ranged damage. While his outward persona might be trustworthy, Lucius hides dark secrets and hidden goals, often best accomplished with the Mimics hidden within his forces- shifting their faces and Actions for any need. Knowing better than to ask questions, the forces of the Elite Division possess the Following Orders Ability allowing them to draw a card when controlled by a superior officer.
This box contains 6 miniatures 32mm heroic scale of high-quality plastic. Will require some preparation and assembly.
Lucius Mattheson
The Scribe
Agent 46
3 Guild Lawyers
Fraction: Guild / Neverborn
Keyword:Elite, Mimic
This kit is made of plastic and is unpainted
#malifaux #3rd #edition #guild #neverborn #faction #core #box #lucius